Friday, March 25, 2011

Get FetchXml From Advanced Find (CRM 4.0)

Open the advanced find and press CTRL+N , This will open the advanced find view in the new window.
Now design the query and click on the query button

In the address bar copy and paste the below script and press enter

javascript:void( new function() { var s=""; function f(p){ s+= p + "=" + eval("advFind." + p) + "\n\n"};f("FetchXml");prompt("my query:",s) } )

You will get the fetchxml in an alert

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Connecting to CRM 2011 Online

Connecting to CRM 2011 in the Cloud is trickier than connecting to CRM 2011 On Premise.

Check c:\Program Files to see if you have Windows Identity Foundation. If not you will need to install it.

You need to get some device credentials and this is done using a utility in the CRMSDK called DEVICEREGISTRATION. Go to \sdk\tools\deviceregistration directory and load deviceregistration.csproj. Compile the application and navigate to the \bin\debug folder. Open a command window and type

deviceregistration.exe /operation:Register